I would reply with “no sir how fast was I going” so that it can not be used against you in court you have to remember anything you say and do can and will be used against you in a court of law in court you would want to ask for what proof he has that you were speeding
1. The Constitution spells out
powers that belong to the federal government alone. It
also discusses
which are those powers retained
by the states. Sometimes, both state governments
and the federal government have the same authority to
act, something called
Answer is begger human
B false
because if it was a professional robbee he would not have been caught before or have a prior arrest record
as you go on 1st offence 2nd offence 3rd offence and so forth it gets worse depending on how bad your first offence will be 6 months to a year
Number. B a condital fee agreement legislation aid and own funds