1- se coucher
2- se maquiller
3- se sécher
4- se raser.
5- se regarder
6- se d/o/u/c/h/e/r (in 1 word)
7- se peigner (or <em>se coiffer</em>)
8- se brosser les dents
well it was hard to answer !! inaproriate words or links...that's why I had to take of all the sentences I had written to finally find out that was the verb on the n° 6 .......... ^^^^^
hope it will help :)
Samuel pays too much attention to the neighbors. He looks at them through the window with binoculars. Anne doesn't realize that Luc doesn't like her. She keeps calling him. Pepe gets mad often when Meme doesn't give him his newspaper.
are buying your school supplies for the beginning of the school year
and the sales person did not hear you. Repeat what you want to purchase.
Complete the sentence with at least four school supplies (include the
article un/une).
S'il vous plaît une trousse, une gomme, un agenda, un cahier.
(or : une règle, un classeur, une calculatrice,un stylo plume)
are describing your French classroom to your pen pal from Paris so she
can imagine where you are learning French. Complete the sentence with at
least four things (Do not include classroom supplies).
-Il y a des bureaux, un tableau, des chaises, une grande table.
teacher assigned you a student in the classroom that you do not know.
She wants you to write questions to interview the student. You want to
find out his name, how he is doing, and where he is from. Fill out the
interview form using the informal :
- Comment t'appelles-tu?
- Où habites-tu?
- Quel âge as-tu?
receive your first letter from your pen pal and she wants to find out
many things about you. Please respond to her questions. She wants to
know: your name, where you are from, and how you are doing.
Je m'appelle Marylou.
J'habite en France.
Je suis au lycée.
Make a list of at least three French words you would see if you were in a restaurant.
- un serveur
- des verres
- des tables
- des chaises
1. Où est-ce que tu habites ?
2. Pourquoi est-ce que tu regardes des films romantiques
3. Avec qui est-ce que le professeur parle ?
4. Comment est-ce que tu vas ?
5. À quelle heure est-ce que le concert commence ?
6. Quand est-ce que t’es cousins arrivent ?
7. Est-ce que tu danses ?
8. Qui est-ce que vous aimez ?
9. Qu’est-ce que tu regardes ?
Recevoir -
Je reçois
Tu reçois
Il/Elle reçoit
Nous recevons
Vous recevez
Ils/Elles reçoivent