Others fell off ladders, slipped on rocks, inhaled silica dust, or suffered from mercury, lead or arsenic poisoning. Many got sick from drinking dirty water and living too close together. Miners faced immediate dangers, as well as health problems that developed over time
Discrimination, wars, poverty
You got that wrong the answer is
President Lincoln's request for 75,000 Union volunteer forces
Answer: I would support this endeavor, because we are running out of resources on Earth. Colonizing Mars would also open up new jobs on and off Earth. Some would argue that we could better spend that money on helping save our planet rather the colonizing a new one. I would have to say good luck, getting the oil executives and other current un-renewable energy executives to sign up for that one. It would take hundreds of years and more money to switch from where we are now to completely renewable. Also the benefits of the scientific boom from that kind of money being put into those programs would be enormous, and not just in the space exploration. It would also help just about every other scientific field as well.