Los primeros dramaturgos de los que se tiene referencia en la literatura occidental son los antiguos griegos, y las representaciones más antiguas datan del siglo V a. C.. Estas obras son consideradas clásicas y todavía son leídas como puntos de referencia. Notables entre ellos están Esquilo, Sófocles, Eurípides y Aristófanes.
Años más tarde, el teatro es adoptado por el Imperio Romano, aunque lo hará por su naturaleza pedagógica que transformará en propagandística -por su capacidad romanizadora- y su potencial como entretenimiento. Sus autores más destacados son: Livio Andrónico, Nevio, Plauto, Terencio y Séneca.
A. building sea walls and not building levees
The policy was Truman Doctrine is the name given to a foreign policy implemented during the Truman administration and directed at the bloc of capitalist countries in the pre-Cold War period. Such a doctrine was intended to prevent the spread of socialism, especially in capitalist nations considered fragile.
The 1950s became known as the "Golden Years." It is a decade of technological revolutions with obvious social implications, especially when we consider the communicational point of view, since it is during this period that advertisements invade radio and the newly arrived television.
The United States has become a model of prosperity and confidence as it develops very high levels of social welfare thanks to the best housing and telecommunications qualities.
No clue what to say to this, i've seen it posted on this website here before tho
i just know dont feel like talikng about it