Checkable deposits are classified as money because , They can be readily used in purchasing goods and paying debts.Choice( A)
Any demand deposit account against which, one can write a check or a draft is called checkable deposit. It is mainly used when a person has to withdraw money, at a short notice and he can do so, without giving any prior notice to the bank.
These deposits help in immediate access to cash. As these deposits are available easily , they are considered to be assets. .
Its an asset for the person who withdraws, as he can withdraw anytime without notice. It is a liability to the bank as the bank has to pay it, whenever the customer asks for it.
As these checkable deposits are easily available, they can be readily used in purchasing goods and paying debts.
Emergency fund.
Emergency funds are money that we keep on hand in case of unforeseen events. It may cover car repairs, unforeseen buying, medical bills and so on.
It is important to hold some emergency funds so as to avoid being stranded with no access touch needed resources.
Also emergency funds can be saved over time in case of job loss, having some back-up funds to use in the meantime will be a wise strategy.
He can include $16,000 in his gross income.
As the life insurance policy was transferred for some valuable consideration so the amount of valuable consideration will be deducted from the insurance proceeds.
Also premium paid by the transferee will be deducted from proceeds.
Now as the transferee received $25,000 from insuarance company.
So Tylor can include $25,000 less $7,500 less $1,500 in his gross income.
He can include $16,000 in his gross income.
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