A person who is legally recognized by tradition or law as belonging to a sovereign nation or as having pledged loyalty to a government in return for that government's protection, whether at home or abroad, is said to be a citizen of that nation. One of the main cornerstones of a nation is its citizens. They are required to follow its laws and perform their tasks as required, and they are entitled to all the legal rights and advantages that a state grants to the citizens who make up its constituency. Each of us has a number of rights and obligations toward our neighborhood, state, and nation as a citizen.
Thank you,
All these countries and the Andes themselves are extremely
rich in the natural resources. They have it all: wood, oil, gas, copper,
salt, lithium, ore, precious metals like gold to name the few. Unfortunately,
due to unstable political situation in these countries and poor working
conditions its hard to reach all of this natural wealth.
Americans were struck with fear and put Japanese in internment (not concentration) camps. Then, America decided to go to war against the Empire of Japan, then the rest of the Axis declared war on America.