A handicraft, sometimes more precisely expressed as artisanal handicraft or handmade, is any of a wide variety of types of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by one’s hand or by using only simple, non-tech related tools like scissors, carving implements, or hooks.
yes it is a functional piece of art
A. Something that are easily recognizable. Hope this helps!
As a musical style, psychedelic rock attempts to replicate the effects of and enhance the mind-altering experiences of hallucinogenic drugs, incorporating new electronic sound effects and recording effects, extended solos, and improvisation.
Answer: During the Romantic era, piano music was intended for professional performers only. The rise in popularity of the piano was an important factor in shaping the musical culture of the Romantic era. manufacturing remained unchanged until the technical advances of the early twentieth century
I think that theater and film change society
movies are some of the most inpactful actions ever taken. Take WALL-E for example. The 2008 Pixar movie showed a robot made to clean up all trash on planet Earth while Humans live in a ship in space due to the toxication of the trash killing out all trees. Causing Earth to have no oxygen for people to breathe from. People we stunned by the visualization of our planet dead. Many people saw it as a wake up call to everyone, saying that the end is near, and we need to change. Soon after the movies releasing, people changed nearly everything to eco.