Note, the term Hispanic is used to refer to people of Spanish culture, or of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American nationality.
According to historical sources, Florida experienced an intense migration of people from South or Central America which made it the third-largest Latino population in the country. As a result of such a large Hispanic population, Florida became influenced by the food, music, and sports of Hispanians.
Your formal singular in Spanish is -tu singular formal-
Así que tu familia te dio $142 dólares en total.Así que su familia le dio $142 dólares en todos losle dio $142 dólares
The answer is 1. or "Juan besa la mano de su novia."
This translates to "Juan kisses the hand of his girlfriend," as opposed to the incorrect alternative meaning the same thing, but adding a conditional "a" would make the sentence more intimate toward her hand when it shouldn't be