The Americas are the big answer here. They held other holdings in other places as well.
“The Jim Crow era was one of struggle -- not only for the victims of violence, discrimination, and poverty, but by those who worked to challenge (or promote) segregation in the South” (“Jim Crow Stories”). It is important to know the history of this significant period where everyone was treated differently based on how they looked instead of their character. During the Jim Crow era, the lives of African Americans were severely restricted making it difficult for them to succeed in everyday life.
After the Civil War, most Southern and Border States deprived the basic rights of African Americans. Jim Crow was a fictitious character created by a white entertainer to ridicule African Americans. The laws were made in an attempt to keep African Americans away from whites after slavery ended (“Examples of Jim Crow”). The Jim Crow laws affected education, health care, and social events. “From Delaware to California, and from North Dakota to Texas, many states (and cities, too) could impose legal punishments on people for consorting with members of another race” (“Jim Crow Laws”). These punishments could be brutal or sometimes fatal. Education was and still is a very important aspect in life, but Jim Crow laws made receiving an equal education an impossible task. “Education: The schools for white children and the schools for Negro children shall be conducted separately” Florida (“Jim Crow Laws”). Although both races did receive an education, they were not equal. Schools for white
the availability of iron and coal, discovery of the New World, and an energetic scientific community.
Jim Crow Laws enforced segregation between black and white people. The court case "Plessy Vs Ferguson" was trying to please people by enforcing the "separate but equal" law. Basically, they wanted to make the two races separate, but they thought it would be fine as long as both places were the same in quality and quantity.
To sum it up, Jim Crow Laws were to separate the two, but black people were given schools that weren't as good, trashy bathrooms, etc. It was also made to make sure that black people could not go some places on certain days, or at all. The "Plessy vs Ferguson" case was to try to make it better by separating the races, but having both bathrooms the same and both schools the same so none is better than the other.
I hope I helped.