Thursday 27 June: When we were putting the slaves down in the evening, one that was sick jumped overboard. Got him in again but he died immediately between his weakness and the salt water he had swallowed, though I imagine he would have lived but a little while being quite worn out.
Which claim is supported by this reading?
The men on board the ship treated the enslaved people well.
The ship suffered an epidemic of bacterial infection.
The enslaved people onboard suffered from illness with some frequency.
A large percentage of the enslaved people onboard had died.
Amritsar is also called the JallianWala Bagh massacre. it is one of the most gruesome killing if the common civilians who assembled and were on peaceful strike in Amritsar.
Though Indians supported the British in their wars against Germany and Ottoman empire, The British Raj lacked trust on some of the radical Indians who understood the real purpose of the Britishers to occupy India. Gradually British decided to repress Indians by passing Rowlatt act which authorized the Britishers to imprison the revolutionaries just based on suspicion and the press were also not given the rights and freedom of speech and expression. General Dyer also restricted any association of more than four members in the public places in Amritsar.
But more than twenty thousand civilians assembled in the public park called JallianWala Bagh. General dyer ordered the cease fire and more than four hundred people were killed. This made the Indians to lose hope on the British Government and from thereon the nationalism spirit of Indians rose to such an extent that Independence was indispensable for Indians.
The theory that you are looking for is "the Divine right theory".
This theory claims that only certain people who were given the divine right to do so can create countries and that royalty is supposed to exist as rulers, without being questioned.
when states have a larger population, they are allowed to have more representatives . such as Texas
Zulu Chief Bambatha
One of the chiefs who organised an armed rebellion against British colonial authority was Zulu Chief Bambatha. He was not happy with the loss of land his people suffered and the poll tax of one pound that they were forced to pay.