The state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage:
An example is scarcity of rain is drought.
C. Foreign
The face value of a currency compared to its purchasing power against other (inter)national currencies determines the currency’s strength
(a) Barton's investment
Date Account Titles and Explanation Debit Credit
Accounts receivables $44,900
($48,000 - $3,100)
Equipment $90,000
Allowances for uncollectible $1,300
Barton Capital $133,600
(To record Barton's contribution)
(b) Fallows' investment
Date Account Titles and Explanation Debit Credit
Cash $28,700
Merchandise Inventory $60,500
Fallow Capital $89,200
(To record Fallow's contribution)
Price weighted index
A price weighted index is an index used in stocks where each company that is part of the index makes up a fraction of the total, and is proportional to its price per share.
Higher weight is given to sticks that have higher prices.
Rice weighted index is a good way to track track portfolio performance that best match for your portfolio.
Bait and Switch
Bait and switch is a deceptive sales technique that draws customers in with the promise of low prices and then "switches" to say that the promised item is not available. It is actually illegal under <em>some </em>circumstances in the United States.