The bronze age technology refer to an era when metals were started to be widely used.
Since you provide no options, the kind of activities that made possible during this era were :
- Mining
- Creating Weaponry
<span>- Creating manufacture tools</span>
Answer: Hitler had wished to expand eastward for many reasons, one of them being Lebensraum, living ground. He wanted more room for his "master aryan race" to live and thrive. Another reason was the oil fields and mass ammounts of resources in the soviet union that he could've used to his advantage to conquire Asia, Africa, and Britian
The simple answer to your complex question is NO. This is assuming that you live in a country where there are good laws (remember that history is full of bad governments that implemented bad laws) and that law enforcement is effective. Simplisticly, you should only ask yourself this question when your or your families life is being threatened and law enforcement is not around. Your response must still be within the constraints of your laws or you will find yourself in hot water. I'm not even going to try to discuss the ethics and morals that can apply as the situation can vary immensely. Keep it simple - don't operate outside the law, rather fight against unjust laws.
To save fuel and food for the troops over in europe it limited the citezens use of supplies
Just over 500,00
This number is considerably high considering that the national average for number of inmates, parolees, and individuals on community supervision are around 4.5 Million people. So from 50 states, Texas held around 9-10% of the offenders.
The numbers above represents not only the convicts who are thrown in jail. Those who are under house arrest (with ankle monitor) and those who are forced to do community service as a form of punishment are also included.