1, 2 & 4 are the right answer choices
An impromptu seems to be a complimentary musical with music with both the characteristic of a former virtuosity, typically for a valve trombone, such as a guitar, as if inspired by the nature of the situation.
I can't read the whole text. Part of your picture is cut off. But from what I can read, it sounds like the first answer would be convincing, the second answer would be confident, the third answer would be scary, and the fourth answer would be a party or fun. That is just from the part that I can read.
The irony is in the fact that both the lion and the tiger end up doing exactly the opposite of what they intended.
Hi. From the context of your question, we can see that you are referring to “The Cowardly Lion and Hungry Tiger,” which was written by L. Frank Baum. In this story we meet a lion who leaves its habitat determined to tear apart the first person it meets. In the same story, we see a tiger, which leaves its habitat determined to eat the first human baby it targets in front of it. The ironic thing is that when they find what they want they do completely different things.
The lion finds a woman lying on the ground and instead of tearing her to pieces, it lifts the woman and takes her home very gently and safely. The tiger, upon finding a baby on the ground, does not devour the baby, but takes it very gently to its mother, who is the woman the lion helped.