The spoils system was created to reward or "spoil" representatives who voted for Jackson's policies.
In political science, the expression "spoils system" describes a practice by which the political parties of the government distribute among their own militants and sympathizers institutional positions and positions of power. Although the general line of this political behavior has its basis in the system of political clientelism, the expression "spoils system" does not imply a negative connotation, that is to say, that such distribution of positions is necessarily abusive. In other words, it is a morally neutral expression that describes a formally recognized and openly applied practice, in certain historical periods, both in the United States and in other countries.
It's either Algeria or Morocco
What was that "wrong idea"? What is the impact of the nuance of the word "handled" in the following excerpt: "I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if I were sound by some of the crew"? It shows the Africans were viewed as objects instead of human beings.