Answer: If you post the link people can spread it on their social medias!! (including me, i have a few platforms)
Zealous (adjective): showing passion for something
1) The zealous ace student studied every single day to make sure that he would pass his exams
Scruples (noun): a hesitating because you’re worrying if an action is moral or not
2) Although he had scruples about conducting the scam, he still continued to ensure that he would make money
Answer: C
Nothing is really happening yet, there's no conflict- all we know from this passage is there's a policeman walking up an avenue and it's 10 pm at night. These paragraphs exist to establish the exposition- the place, time, and character that we're reading from the perspective of.
Smokejumpers are wilderness firefighters who jump out of airplanes and parachute into remote areas to fight wildfires. Their job is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. ... He believed the best way to quickly attack remote fires was to fly firefighters to a position near the fire.
Based off of the information given, the answers should be She is pleased with herself for making Higgins lose his temper, because she knows she hurt him and she only wants the ring for its cash value. This is because she goes automatically to look for the ring, which holds some significance. The way that you can tell she is pleased at making Higgins lose his temper is because she does an almost theatrical like performance that mocks his actions of leaving.