It'd be smartest to do A first, and from there you can manage your time and answer the questions that won't take long at the end. if it's a reading test, you can look for keywords while skimming if you look at the questions first. All of the answer choices are good, but A is the best.
Ok it would be C. (Park's) because when you put 's at the end of a word it means it belongs to something and in this sentence the gates belong to the park.
go with C option !!!lllll!lll.................
. Fire constructed the doorways, so there was no prospect of escape.
One hot summer day, my cat pushed the screen out from an open window and snuck out into the big outside world.
In this statement, at the beginning, it is described that it was hot and summer so one can picture the weather that day.The way in which the cat got lost is also explained.