a) Supreme Allied Commander of the Pacific.
The Hapsburg Empire was an unofficial name among historians for the countries and provinces that were ruled by the junior Austrian branch of the House of Hapsburg. The reign was from 1526 to 1867. Occasionally called Austrian Monarchy or Danubian Monarchy.
Charles V was the heir of three of Europe's leading dynasties: the House of Hapsburg, Valois-Burgundy, and Trastama. From the House of Hapsburg, he inherited Austria and other lands in central Europe and succeeded in the title of Holy Roman Emperor. From the House of Valois-Burgundy, he inherited Burgundian Netherlands and the Franche-Comte. From the Spanish House of Trastama, he inherited the crowns of Castile and Aragon and became the first King of Spain.
His vast empire caused him to be involve in wars where other nations wanted to reduce his domain and lessen his influence. After 34 years of ruling his empire, Charles V, abdicated from his throne at the age of 56 and transferred his Spanish Empire including Netherlands and Italy to his son, Philip II. Charles V died at the age of 58.
Philip II of Spain was the only surviving son of Charles V and the successor of the Spanish Crown. He was born on 21st May 1527 and died on 13th September 1598. He was also a successor of to the throne of Portugal through his maternal grandfather, Manuel I of Portugal, and claimed throne in 1580 after the death of his uncle. Under the his reign as King of Spain and King of Portugal, the Iberian Union was established.
By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests. There are two special rights only for U.S. citizens: voting in federal elections and running for federal office.
Many economic issues plagued the reservation.