They are asking if you would take the bus to go to the city, so yes (oui)
vous dansez ensemble depuis cinq ans
Danser (présent)
je danse
tu danses
il, elle, on danse
nous dansons
vous dansez
ils, elles dansent
hope I helped !
That says Describe the Place du Marche to vote collage
Answer: Significant, chronic stress in the home. Lack of structure. Authoritarian parenting style with rigid, excessive rules and punishments. Permissive parenting with few if any expectations, limits, or establishment of acceptable behaviors.
Verbe "vendre" au présent :
<em />
<em>Je vends</em>
<em>tu vends</em>
<em>il,elle, on vend</em>
<em>nous vendons</em>
<em>vous vendez</em>
<em>ils,elles vendent</em>
<em />
<em />
Verbe "amener" au présent :
<em />
<em>tu amènes</em>
<em>il,elle, on amène</em>
<em>nous amenons</em>
<em>vous amenez</em>
<em>ils,elles amènent</em>
<em />
Verbe" prendre" au présent :
<em />
<em>Je prends</em>
<em>tu prends</em>
<em>il,elle, on prend</em>
<em>nous prenons</em>
<em>vous prenez</em>
<em>ils,elles prennent</em>
<em />
Verbe "sortir" au présent :
<em />
<em>je sors</em>
<em>tu sors</em>
<em>il,elle,on sort</em>
<em>nous sortons</em>
<em>vous sortez</em>
<em>ils,elles sortent</em>