I am translating it to you so that you can summarize it!
Hello! My name is Rosita and I live in Cartagena, Colombia. I am 16 years old and in high school. All high schools in Colombia have four different routes, from one year to five years of studies: technical, technological, teaching and professional programs. The teaching and professional programs are the longest.
I study in the technical program. I want to be a gardener. When you finish the two years of the technical program, you can start working immediately without going to university. In professional careers you need to study more than in technical careers and you need to go to university. There are technical majors in the United States, but not in all schools. In the United States, after you finish technical or general majors, you can go to college for professional studies
You mean what does it mean?
means hello
como estas
means "how are you'
muy bien
means "and you"?
the rest i am not too sure you spelled correctly...
"todo mi corazon" means "all my heart"
I think you meant "te adoro con todo mi corazon"
- I adore you with all my heart.
The correct answer is B. A conjugated reflexive verb
A reflexive verb is one in which the object is the entity acting or subject. In Spanish, these verbs can be identified because in their infinitive form they end in "se", for example in "preparase" (prepare oneself) or in "vestirse" (dress one-self). Moreover, once these verbs are conjugated the words "me", "se", "te", "nos" are used before the verb to indicate the noun that is receiving the action (object). In the case of "me quedo" (I stay), this is a reflexive noun because the action "quedarse" has as a direct object the noun "I". Also, this is conjugated and you can identify this because the verb is preceded by the word "me".
Que llueva!
La lluvia de ideas es muy útil a la escritura, tanto al elegir un tema, como en los momentos de bloqueo mental. Simplemente anotar palabras relacionadas con una idea, sin pensarlo demasiado ni buscar que tengan un vínculo lógico, puede estimular la creatividad y mejorar la escritura.
Para responder esta pregunta se debe construir un argumento coherente en base al interrogante planteado. Debido a la poca cantidad de palabras permitidas se recomienda seleccionar un argumento solido, somo la idea de que la lluvia de ideas es de ayuda en momentos de bloqueo mental, para sostener el argumento principal.