The election of 1860 is what you would've said was the last straw for the south. For even though Lincoln wasn't put on the ballot anywhere in the south they had more than 1 man running so even though most of the south voted Breckenridge thou but for Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri and Breckenridge would have won with those four states. So feeling threatened about the newly elected Lincoln right after that south Carolina seceded in December 1860 followed by the 6 others and later to be 11 states. so even though there was many things leading up the CSA the election of 1860 was the straw that broke the camels back and Lincolns becoming president is what caused south Carolina to seceded. Hope this helps and if you have anymore projects let me know cause I find this fun doing civil war projects
rules have been added, equipment has been upgraded.
The Battle of Fort Sumter.
The Helots were state-owned serfs of the ancient Spartans.