b. last winter we bought a snow blower.
Articles refer to a type of adjective, they demonstrate which noun is the subject of the sentence talking about. There are two types of articles: definite and indefinite articles. The second type direct to noun more generally. The indefinite articles are a or an. The an is used before singular count nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or vowel sound.
The indefinite articles are used when the reader does not know about a noun( place, person or thing) that is referring to. In an example, the readers do not know which type of snow blower is or any specifics about it.
Banning all alcoholic advertising might help to decrease underage drinking, but not necessarily. Many cases of underage drinking comes from peer pressure of other teens, some being older, as a way to get kids to "prove" themselves. Stopping commercials that advertise drinking may reduce the amount teens do it, because they see it less often and don't think about alcohol as much. This may also be a backfire because it becomes something less seen and there for more desirable for teen rebels to try. The best way to find middle ground is to keep these commercials on more adult based channels to avoid encouraging underage drinking.
It is interrogative because a question is being asked. It is usually interrogative if there is a question mark at the end.
<span>B) The text structure is problem and solution; the words safest and causing indicate this.</span>