¿Cómo es Bubbles?
Ella es bonita y gorda.
In English this means: What's Bubbles like? She's cute and chubby.
In Spanish, unlike in English, adjectives have gender and can be either singular or plural. In this case it is explained that Bubbles is female and is only one fish, so the adjectives used to describe her must be feminine and singular. That’s why the correct option is “bonita y gorda”. “Bonitas” and “gordas” are female adjective but are plural. “Gordo” and “bonito” are singular but are male adjectives. “Gordos” and “bonitos” are not only masculine adjectives but also plural.
Entre los países donde el inglés no es la lengua más hablada, pero es una lengua oficial, figuran Botsuana, Camerún, los Estados Federados de Micronesia, Fiyi, Gambia, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Kenia, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malta, Islas Marshall, Mauricio, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistán, Palaos, Papúa Nueva Guinea, ...
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