creator of the creature
Victor Frankenstein is the creator of the creature and is the protagonist of the story. he was a young man who had a strong interest in science and was very curious as to whether it was possible to create life from dead amteria, as a type of god. He wanted to explore the most of science and technology and that was what motivated him to create the creature. However, Victor Frankenstein is repulsed when he gives life to the creature because of its appearance and for that reason he abandons it, causing the creature to take revenge on him.
Simile: "his brown skin hung in strips like ancient wallpaper"
The comparison between the fish and the wallpaper serves two purposes. The literal one is to inform readers of the appearance of the fish and to contribute to the poem's vivid imagery. The second purpose is to present the fish as a majestic creature, which increases the excitement over her victory.
Metaphor: "until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!"
This metaphor refers to the marks that oil leaves on water as a "rainbow." The author says that the oil spread over everything in the boat. However, the phrase is also a reference to her happiness over the victory of catching a fish, and it gives the end of the poem a joyous tone.
The practical value of performance analysis is that well-chosen performance indicators highlight good and bad techniques or team performances. They help coaches to identify good and bad performances of an individual or a team member and facilitate comparative analysis of individuals, teams and players.
Plan ahead and be prepared
<span>Shakespeare's tragedies with which you are familiar, the characteristics of a Shakespearean tragedy that expand the simple definition of "a serious play with an unhappy ending" are that: _____.
</span><span>2. the tragic hero is usually of noble birth; his death affects many
</span>6. the hero is destroyed by his tragic flaw