The British East India Company had dispatched an army of some 30,000 troops to bring the 'aggressive little state of Nepal' to heel for expanding its empire into parts of northern India that the British East India Company wanted for itself. It sent shockwaves throughout British India.
Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation
Debbi Fields Rose was the founder of a franchise called Mrs. Fields Original Cookies. Her company was considered as one of the largest freshly baked cookies/brownies retailers in United States.
During the early period of its founding, Debbi's largest competitor was a company called Famous Amos. Famous Amos produced a similar product as Fields' company, but already obtain a huge market share since it's founded around 2 years before Mrs. Fields Original Cookies company.
Our neighbor, Lamont has fruit trees on his property. "Lamont, what kinds of fruit do you grow?" I asked. "Well I grow peaches, apricots, pears and plums" he replied. "Wow! That's quite a variety" I said. Lamont's son Riley helps his dad care for the trees. "Oh it's constant work and care" Riley said, "but the delicious results are worth the effort". After the fruit is harvested Riley's mother Charlotte cans the fruit for use throughout the year. She makes preserves and she gives them as gifts for special occasions. Charlotte sells some of her preserves to Kurt Simmons the owner of a local shop. People come from all over the county to buy Charlotte's preserves. Riley's Aunt Fay grows corn, tomatoes, beans and squash in her garden. Each year she selects her best vegetables and enters them in the fair. She has won blue ribbons medals and certificates for her vegetables. "Oh I just like being outside. That's why I enjoy gardening" Fay said. Fay's specialty squash-and-tomato bread is one of the most delicious breads I have ever tasted.
Baumrind's parenting styles consist of four different types of parenting styles including Authoritative, Permissive, Uninvolved, and Authoritarian.
Indulgent-parenting style: The indulgent-parenting style is also referred to as permissive, lenient, non-directive, and libertarian parenting. It is described as parents having only a few behavioral expectations with their child. These parents are very involved with the child and possesses fewer demands from the child i.e, high responsiveness and low demands.
In the question above, Christie employs the indulgent-parenting style of Baumrind's parenting styles.