D. I practiced regularly until the day came when I was able to consistently hit the ball.
A full moon
A half moon
A sunrise
A sunsetEither one is fine, This is actually quite simple, here's how I see it. Full moon usually means an event is taking place, half moon means the event is nearing an end, sunset means it's over, sunrise means new day, new chance etc. So I'd say sunrise is your answer
Eye contact and pronunciation
The writer mentions how his or her interest in this
field was sparked.
The writer states how a personal experience
relates to a future goal.
because the writer said "As she
effortlessly demonstrated her skills, a syrupy, bittersweet
chocolate aroma filled the air, and I knew from that
moment on that I was born to be a pastry chef."
that says that how he wanted to be a pastry chef and how his personal experience made a future goal for him.
The answer: Brain
In Angie's situation, she has her spinal cord intact but still has difficulty walking. Medically, balance, gait and walking require complete functions of the brain and spinal cord. Should her spinal cord and its nerves be intact, the problem lies with the other important factor which is the brain. The brain sends the signals to do any activity.