Okay so music in a movie/show is what makes the show unique. Especially when you have talented voices on the screen it draws more audience attention. Now when you make a musical it makes it even more appealing to an audience. Most notable and merobale musicals would be The Sound of Music, Grease, Footloose, and so many more
Musical theatre is a showcase for talent with a concentration on storytelling through music. This is generally the avenue taken when you want to showcase incredible vocal talent, instrumental talent, and even things like acting, and dancing. The plot and the emotion of the musical are all communicated through the words, music, movement, and the technical features of the performance. There is not a set length for a musical. It can vary from a quick one-act to quite a few acts, and hours and hours in length. Generally, musicals are one and a half to three hours in length, with two acts (the first typically being longer than the second), and with a short intermission.
The main difference, generally speaking, is that a musical tells a story with song and dance, while a play typically sticks to spoken dialogue. This is a broad generalization; some plays feature musical content, and some musicals feature heavy amounts of spoken dialogue. ... There are two main types of musicals.
There is one very distinctive differences between a play and a musical. A musical will always have music and the story is told through the music. A play tells a story, usually on stage or on a screen, using dialogue. A musical tells a story with dialogue and music. A play, usually known as a straight play, may have music in the action, but the music does not actually tell the story. The purpose of the music in a play is to enhances the story or the scene at the time. A musical has different genres, but the music in the musical is part of the story telling. Therefore, a musical can be a play with music, but a play cannot be a musical, in the true sense of the word. The musical has become a popular choice of entertainment with music and dancing. There are some musicals that do not have any dialogue as the entire story is told through the songs. Evita and Les Misérables are epic musicals that do not have any speaking, only singing and music. The Opera is another form of musical and a genre of musical entertainment that reaches an audience who appreciates this original form of musical drama. Other musicals come in the form of Jukebox musicals based on pop music and appealing to wider variety of audiences. These musicals encourage a mixture of art forms from music and dancing to the set design costume design lighting and they are well thought of on the stage and on the screen.
Wouldn't it be rhythm, the use of recurring elements to direct the movement of the viewer's eye's through the product of art and give a sense of unity to the composition. correct me if im wrong
<span>Augustus’ statue is shown barefoot, wears no military boots even though he is wearing his full armor to go to the battlefield war, which indicates that he is a hero and since gods are depicted with bare feet, the missing detail indicated that he is god-like. </span>
"The Man To Send Rain Clouds" is set on an Indian Reservation in the American Southwest, with its wide mesas & arroyos. As the story opens, Leon & his brother-in-law, Ken, find an old man, Teofilo, dead under a cottonwood tree.