These are drawbacks examples.
The only drawback<span> to her.
</span><span>That should be no </span>drawback.
<span>There was one </span>drawback<span> though.
</span><span>Given this </span>drawback, Stallman.
<span>The </span>drawback<span> is that after only.
</span><span>Another </span>drawback<span> can be phosphates.
</span><span>considered a </span>drawback<span> of house sharing.</span><span>this is their major </span>drawback.
<span>This is a major </span>drawback<span> which users.
</span><span>Normalization eliminates this </span>drawback
<span>The only </span>drawback<span> is, whether or not it.
</span><span>The </span>drawback<span> was that we kept moving –
a.</span><span>Every good thing has a </span>drawback<span> to offset it.
</span>Drawback to Selling Covered Calls on Equities.
<span>one significant </span>drawback<span> with the whole process.
</span><span>That is their biggest </span>drawback<span> in my view anyway.
</span><span>The chief </span>drawback<span> is that to the great mass of the.
</span><span>However, they still have the same </span>drawback<span> – you do.
</span><span>Short-term technical signals typically have this </span>drawback.
<span>Another </span>drawback<span> was that most communications were by telex.
</span>Limitation of Profit on Low-priced Bonds Not a Real Drawback.
<span>Half-heartedness is a serious </span>drawback<span> and the cause of much.
</span><span>This represents an essential </span>drawback<span> of the second approach.
</span><span>candlelight dinners, there is a </span>drawback<span> and a big one at that.
</span><span>The only </span>drawback<span> for me was my model’s lack of a suppressor.
</span><span>The principal </span>drawback<span> of this approach is its Christian-.</span><span>worry about the meowing this is a </span>drawback<span> from primitive times.</span>
C) The oak's roots were shallow and only reached about 20 feet down into the soil.
i took the test and got it right
Protagonist because most stories are told in the point of that person.
<span>They basically tell you the theme of the entire story, because they endure the entire there</span>