Respectively, the emphasis goes on pitch and duration.
Tonic accents emphases on pitch. By definition, a tonic accent in classical music is the attention given on a note with a particularly high pitch. Tonic accents in general refer to the pitch that a sound has.
Agogic accents emphases on duration. A variation on the duration of a note will make the beat stronger, where otherwise it would sound flat and without an accent.
Micaluna come over here they deleted the question here's the ring I don't know if will fit or not but you can get it sized 100 points
Dynamics-The variation of loudness and softness in a music piece. Examples are ff, p, mf, mp. Pitch is how the note is played, if it is flat or sharp. Form is the appearance, texture is how the note is being played (tongued, played softly etc) harmony is when notes fit together to harmonize.
They used marble, bronze, and clay