Well, you failed to mention which one is the recessive trait in this instance. But, let’s say red hair is recessive, denoted by r and brown hair is dominant denoted by R. Mom is rr and dad is RR. All children are going to be Rr and so heterozygous. They will all carry the trait for red hair but will express brown hair themselves, so 0% probability of having a child with red hair from the initial parents
The purpose of meiosis<span> is to reduce the normal diploid cells to haploid cells, called gametes.
Answer: A neuron has three main parts: dendrites, an axon, and a cell body or soma , which can be represented as the branches, roots and trunk of a tree, respectively. A dendrite (tree branch) is where a neuron receives input from other cells. Dendrites branch as they move towards their tips, just like tree branches do, and they even have leaf-like structures on them called spines.
The axon (tree roots) is the output structure of the neuron; when a neuron wants to talk to another neuron, it sends an electrical message called an action potential throughout the entire axon.
The features of neurons help them to carry out their function efficiently:
they have a long fibre (axon) so they can carry messages up and down the body over long distances
in a stimulated neuron, an electrical nerve impulse passes along the axon
the axon is insulated by a fatty (myelin) sheath - the fatty sheath increases the speed of the nerve impulses along the neuron
at each end of the neuron are tiny branches (dendrons), which branch even further into dendrites - the dendrites receive incoming nerve impulses from other neurons
Hope this is helpful!!
The definition for Forensic Science is "the discipline in which professionals use scientific means to analyze physical crime evidence. <u>This evidence is then presented in court</u> in order to help determine the innocence or guilt of a specific suspect".
The dotted line most likely represent C NADH and FADH2
NADH is a reducing agent formed during glycolysis and TCA cycle. FADH2 also act as electron donor or reducing equivalent generated only during TCA cycle.
NADH and FADH2 are reduced form of coenzyme NAD+ and FAD. NADH and FADH2 formed during glycolysis or TCA cycle, enters into the electron transport chain(ETC) to perform oxidative phosphorylation that deals with reduction of oxygen(O2) to water(H2O) along with the formation of energy in form of ATP.