Better educated workforce, greater occupational specialization, better matching of skills with jobs, and higher overall economic productivity. Immigration
North Africa is subject to foreign invasions because its location on the Mediterranean Sea provides ports and access to other waterways.
Answer: Option A
The geographical orientation of the continent of Africa has allowed it to form the Mediterranean Sea with the major European peninsulas on the other end of the sea.
This attribute of a neighbourhood with the important European countries and access to the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar made North Africa an attractive region in the contemporary world geopolitics.
Mummies preserved important figures in society like pharaohs (kings) for the afterlife
Niesha is suffering from dissociative identity disorder, also referred to as DID. Earlier this disorder was known as multiple personality disorder or MPD.
This is a form of mental illness which is defined as having at least two different and enduring personality states. The DID is accompanied by forgetfulness.
A person with dissociative identity disorder may have up to 100 different personalities.
1. Daydreaming.
2. Spacing out.
3. Eye glazed over.
4. Different gestures.
5. Act differently.
Basically, it was bringing gain (money) to the people who profited from it.
Slaves were cheaper than other labour and needed on the plantations: they brought profit to their masters and this profit could be "invested" into buying more slaves.