the irony in this is Oh, that we then could come by Caesar's spirit And not dismember Caesar. it's saying that if we dismember caesar his spirit will still be in him but if we kill him his spirit will leave his body
me is smart
It should not be controversial: it would only make the research less reliable since people would have their opinions about the topic that they would want to defend. It should also not be obscure: then it's hard to check.
The best answer is that it should be multifaceted: it should include a number of aspects, not just one, so that the test can check for those aspects, not just one.
(You did not include a vocabulary list so I put in my own words.)
Wise : Astute
Crucial : Vital
Trivial : Useless
Adequate : Satisfactory
Enthralling : Intriguing
Dull : Monotonous
Doubtful : Dubious
Feeble : Fragile