DescriptionCharlemagne or Charles the Great, numbered Charles I, was the King of the Franks from 768, the King of the Lombards from 774, and the Emperor of the Romans from 800. During the Early Middle Ages, he united the majority of western and central Europe.
Globalization has influenced Dubai significantly because it has increased the foreign investments, encouraged domestic investment and even stimulated free trade with other countries. Dubai has for a long time enjoyed global economic success since the discovery of oil and gas deposits. Before the oil and gas, Dubai was just a poor desert country but since the discovery of the resources, its market changed rapidly.
Because The Sahel was a fertile band, there was more agriculture, trade, and permanent civilization. The trade route established many colonies in order to bring gold out Africa and in to the Arabic world.
Bantu as a common language, animism as a common religion, religion economics and history intertwined, and trade routes.
Advantages: unity, trade partners.
Path from the Arab world to the western world of Africa for gold.
The further south you get, more agriculture develops.
Herds are going to be there in the south
Allows for more Sedentary life in the south.
They were all used in china before being used in Europe.
To pay veterans and other obligations