Yo soy estudiante
Translation: I am a student
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In general, the imperfect is used to talk about past actions, conditions, or events that occurred regularly or frequently or that were in progress in a moment in the past. It is also used to tell time, talk about dates, give a person's age, and describe features, conditions, and feelings in the past. So we can write the verb in parentheses in the imperfect tense as follows:
1. Ud estaba en la clase de ingles
2. Gloria trabajaba mucho en la tienda de ropa
3. Ellos no eran amigos
4. Ellas iban a la jungla
5. Yo no sabía nada
6. Yo estaba en mexico
7. Tú aprendías mucho
In the imperfect tense, there are only three verbs with irregular conjugations, namely:<em> ir, ser,</em> and <em>ver</em>. The other verbs are regular. Both regular and irregular imperfect verb endings are shown in Tables below.