The Odyssey tells the story of a man trying to return home to his family after the Battle of Troy. It is the story of Odysseus, the King of Ithaca. After the battle, Odysseus tries to go home, but is held hostage by a nymph named "Calypso." The Gods of Greeks intervene to help bring Odysseus home. Then, through cunning and bravery, Odysseus is reunited with his family.
It’s C, cause every women wants to get all the happenings out of them and it says talk about her day, so it’s C
Who is that? Maybe I know if I hear what he has done :D
I had stolen a lot of things and got caught by a security camera. I did not need the things but I was young and afraid to ask for them. instead of facing the consequences I ran away for a day and eventually went back home. I learned that no matter what you do, facing the problem head on has a much better chance of you being able to explain yourself and getting a better outcome. running from your problems will lead to the worst possible outcome