Lost a fight but won the war it don’t matter who loses it’s about who wins
Beloved concludes with a group of women from the local community converging on 124 to ward off the ghost that has been haunting it. ... By saying that Beloved was her “best thing,” Sethe devalues herself and suggests that her only worth comes through her role as a mother.
I'm in my space ship landing on a planet then I see someone waving to me then I think that I'm not alone then I come out of my space ship and ask him who are you then he says that I work for SpaceX then he says let me show you around so then we walked to big city just like on earth then I see a huge building which has space x on it then I asked the person who manages the whole place then he replied Elon musk is the president of the whole planet then you go back home and tell everyone about it
This is student is experiencing role conflict.
In sociology, role conflict takes place when a person faces demands from the different roles she plays in society. Those demands are incompatible and, therefore, pull that person in different directions, creating a conflict of statuses. The woman in the passage is facing a conflict between her role as an employee and as a student. Her boss's demand would normally be an acceptable one. However, it now interferes with her studies.