<u>The person as a ghost :</u>
We lately moved into this new old type bungalow because my father just got a new job, and with his bonus, he got us this house. The first time I saw this house, I got creeped by it's look. It looked.... It looked as if a HAUNTED HOUSE!! Well, I kept aside my thoughts and with my parents went into the house, only to find that there was no furniture!! That really gave me the chills. Anyways, the house was pretty big, and, the worst part was that there was a basement with no lights! The door to it was crackly and made a weird squeaky noise on opening. The day we moved in, we furnished the place and during the night, when I was asleep on my own, and then I saw a white outline across the room, it wore a white dress and held a lantern. I called out for my parents but they did not seem to reply. When I go out of my bed, shivering, I walked to the outline. Then the figure comes toe me and then, scares me. And then, it revealed it face, it was my Aunt!! Well, that was fun. Now I found out that this was all planned by my parents. That is also the reason why they did not reply.
Thank You!
If my answer helped, kindly mark me as the brainliest!!