I think it was about $150 k
Answer:Depending on the detail provided in the description of the artifact that you have chosen, you might have to do a little more research online to correctly interpret the symbols. Be sure to turn in a list of websites you used, including a link to images of each of the artifacts, with your podcast. Also, before submitting your recording, play it back to make sure that it is audible throughout. If you made a video, make sure that any visual elements and audio are clear.
Understandable. Have a nice day.
Last czar (tsar) of Russia was Nicholas II; reigned ended 1917 when he and his family were shot by the Bolsheviks starting the Russian revolution.
She always declared herself as a French woman and called all her comrades Frenchmen. She always pointed out that France should be independent and only fight for their own nation and its ideals. She is considered by some to be the person that is responsible for creating the French national pride.