Rotate is to energy as stop is inertia
Inertia means a property by virtue whereby a body continues to move in its state of motion or a state of rest.
It can also be defined as a force the keeps object in the same position or continue to move in the same direction.
<h2>Further Explanation</h2>
For proper explanation, for an object to move or rotate, energy must be supplied to it, but if the object stops, then inertia of rest is established.
This analysis also defines newton's first law of motion, which is also called the law of inertia. The law states that an object at rest will continue to be in a state of rest and an object in a state of motion will also remain in a state of motion with the same speed and same direction unless a force act on the object.
This question is based on analogy. In analogy, a certain relationship is given and students will be asked to identify another similar relationship from provided alternatives.
The analogy question is to test student knowledge and how fast they reach conclusion, that is, how fast they can conclude concisely and accurately.
Therefore, the correct answer to the question is inertia.
- motion
- newton's law of motion
- inertia
- object
- energy
"God places the two people, Adam and Eve, in the idyllic garden of Eden, encouraging them to procreate and to enjoy the created world fully, and forbidding them to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. ... Sent out into the world, Adam and Evegive birth to two sons, Cain and Abel."
The answer is verbatim hope this helps
nerve cells each making thousands of connections, the human brain , a lamp of tissue small enough to hold in your palm the human brain is so powerful and it can contemplate the vastness of the universe yet it can be fooled by a simple coin trick. Another thing is artificial intelligence, this where by robots are made capable to act like human. But in real life robots do not exist. That all goes back to human brain; from my own opinion is that the human brain is you control it, make it. In other words is that a person is the only one in control of his or her brain. That all applies to intelligence, those people who are seen to be intelligent is simply because that is the way they have work or controlled their brain to be. A good example is seen to the robots, how they can act as humans and take control. Another example is from the video when Watson was competing with real human beings to answer questions. As the human brain, that’s how robots and computers work.
We, the human species are unique. This is a phrase we all have heard at some point in our lives. We are "unique" compared to other animals in our language, movements, and emotions. We have our own language which the majority of animals do not, we stand on two legs while the majority of the animals are on four legs, and we are much more sensitive to our emotional reactions, making us complex animals. Now, where does all these differences come from? As the title suggest, our human brains are incredible in the way they process information. This article aims to discuss the differences of human brain compared to other animal brains, and what makes us humans so unique in our responsive reactions in how we process information. More specifically, this paper will examine the influences the environment has on our human brains and how the changing environment influences our brain evolution in how we respond. Firstly, it is important to understand the evolution and development of human brain. An interesting idea is that our human brains are becoming smaller in size through evolution of time. It is commonly believed that more content requires bigger space. These three anatomical puzzle pieces each serve various purposes ranging in complexity. The brainstem is the oldest piece of our brain and it takes care of many functional aspects of our daily lives such as breathing, sleeping, and regulating heart beats. On top of our brain stem is our mammalian brain which all mammals have. It gives us all the basic instincts that we need for survival in the wild such as our sex drives, flee or fight instincts, and knowledge of when to eat and how to acquire food. Also apart of our mammalian brains is our amygdala which is what makes us to experience emotions, our hippocampus which allows us to process short-term memories into long-term memories, and our thalamus which is in charge of processing everything that can sense in our environment. As complex as our mammalian brain sounds, it is no match for our human brain that's folded atop of it called the cortex. The cortex is a complex layer of tissue that is in constant communication with other areas of the brain and body. Different sections of the cortex are responsible for different activities such as vision, speech, and memory. The cortex is the most sophisticated layer in our brain and is what separates us from other mammals. The Human Brain is the most important organ in the body. Much like the headquarters of the body. Without the brain the rest of the body will suffer. The brain also creates different traits and personalities. How ever when the brain doesn't function properly it will cause many effects to an individual. These effects can range from minimal to severe, depending on what is wrong with the brain. The human brain is protected by a bone structure in a form of a skull. The brain has a light pink, pail, and noodle look to it. It has lines in the brain to section parts of the brain. The brain feels like jello, it's stays in place but squishy. Put to much pressure on it, it will break. The human brain is very sensitive. The human brain is also wet and slimy, like the feeling of boggers. The human brain has its own odd smell. Like rotting food in the trash. The average brain weighs about three pounds. Robbie Gonzalez stated “Assume it feels solid, firm, almost rubber-like. But the brains you encounter in a lab setting have almost always been fixed and preserved with chemicals like formaldehyde, which have a dramatic effect on the texture and firmness of tissue like brain matter” (Gizmodo). What Robbie is saying that brains that are in lab class feel different than a fresh brain. The reason why they feel different is that in the lab their preserved with chemicals.