The college student loan burden is second only to mortgages in consumer debt In the United States. The government estimates that some 41 million students together owe more than $1.2 trillion. In North Carolina, what is the relationship between student loan debt and the tuition/fees that the students pay? After obtaining data for 14 four-year universities in the State University System of North Carolina (data for Elizabeth City State University and Winston Salem State University were not available), suppose we assume a simple linear modelyi= β0+ β1xi+ εito describe this relationship, where xi is the academic year tuition/fees at school In i
and yi is the average student loan debt of graduates of school i, i = 1, ..., 14. Shown below are summary statistics for the 14 schools.
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Cash flow from operating activities:
Net income $116
Adjustment to reconcile net income to cash basis:
Depreciation expense ($359+1-347) $13
Gain on sale of equipment (14)
Decrease in account receivable (40-39) $1
Decrease in inventory (44-43) $1
Increase in account payable (30-26) $4
Decrease in accrued liabilities (18-15) (3)
Decrease in income tax payable (40-39) (1)
Net cash flow from operating activities $117
The trial balance shows the totals of all transactions that have been recorded. It has no way of knowing if there are additional transactions that have not been recorded.
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