Hint : what is established is what is there. Since you need 16 letters, we will use it in plural, establishments.
Answer : Establecimientos.
Hope this helps!
For this exercise it is supossed to use the correct preposition, accordin to each sentence. The preposition can be: para, por, de.
1. Yo trabajo (1) para mi padre . Él tiene un taller para arreglar computadoras. ¡Trabajamos mucho! (2) por eso , entro a las siete de la mañana (3) y salgo a las ocho (4) de la noche . (5) Por la tarde, tomo un descanso (break) de una hora. (6) Por aquí no hay muchos talleres para arreglar computadoras. ¡(7) por eso tenemos tanto trabajo! (8) para mañana debemos tener listas once computadoras.
mother husband brother mother-in-law cousin aunt curiada brother niece wife Father in law grandfather grandmother uncle cousin from Bart from Maggie c) Homer is d) Bart is by Hardy by Selma Margie from Maggie of say by Ling by Margey by Homery e) Patty is Marge is g) Mona is h) Clancy is Ling Homer's by Mona of Abraham of the by Narge by Ling Herb is Maggie is by Barty by Selmay
Umm this is what that says but i dont know the question
have a great day!
C) la boca
Yo no como con las manos; como con la boca.