old man : my boy thanks for taking care of me
boy: owww your welcome (he smiled)
old man : I'm getting older and older I'm not hyperactive like you
boy: yeah you're right, my teacher said that ww have to help old people who can't do things them selves
old man : yeah that's good, even you your growing some will help you my dear ( hugging the boy)
boy : thanks grandpa
1. I think This statement means, If you don't stop your problems, it's going to stop you...
2. I agree with this statement( but this is honestly your opinion)
3.It is good to over come my problems , so they don't stop me from doing others things...
There is no explanation-
Tragic hero’s- Faces downfall and Evokes pity
Sage- Teaches the hero and offers guidance
Rebel- rejects social norms and lives by own moral code.
[See Below]
Everything should be right except 7, which would be Hasty generalization