The difference is that a topic outline only consists of words and/or phrases, while a sentence outline consists of complete sentences.
The middles colonies had rich farmland and a moderate climate. This made it a more suitable place to grow grain and livestock than New England. ... The Southern colonies had fertile farmlands which contributed to the rise of cash crops such as rice, tobacco, and indigo.
Ancient Egypt had pharaohs as their leaders. Similar to kings, pharaohs were picked by whoever was next in the bloodline. Pharaohs were on top of the social structure, followed by nobles and priests, soldiers, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers and finally slaves. The pharaoh ranked above everyone else and his word was absolute. The pahraoh was the person who looked over everything. Whatever he said, people had to do.
In that case, the Court ruled that the 1923 Texas state law was unconstitutional, because it allowed the state Democratic Party to racially discriminate. After the case, most Southern states ended their selectively inclusive white primaries.
During the decade following the Second World War, the U.S. national economy "<span>(A) more than doubled," since World War II along with the New Deal had not only pulled the US out of the great depression--it had made its economy stronger than ever. </span>