Rivers provides transportation routes is the most common eco system
Great Britain was fully industrialized with it's cities having smoke coming out of it's factories from as far as your eyes can see and making materials and products that were traded almost all over the world. Unlike Britain, Russia was the complete opposite. Russia was a mostly had agricultual economy with a serfdom system that was more than 200 years old, having little to no factories and it's products, materials, etc coming from industrialized countries like Britain, France and the various German states at the time.
" Thomas Jefferson, a spokesman for democracy, was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and the third President of the United States (1801–1809). ... As the “silent member” of the Congress"
draft of the Declaration of Independence also a bill establishing relgious freedom
She was from Vienna, Austria
The correct answer is Choice C.
(He adopted Enlightenment ideals and began revolutions against Spanish authority.)
Hope this helps!
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