It should be argument from ignorance because an appeal to logic is not a fallacy, while begging the question is not always a fallacy. Bandwagonning is when you believe something because everyone else believes it.
The unstated assumption in this argument is "don´t eat meat" and if you do it "try to make it in small quantities".
Explanation: having a close look at the sentences, this is what is implicitly assumed-"eating large quantities of red meat is unhealthy" (do not consume meat, it can be harmfull for your health); in fact to be truly healthy, a vegetarian diet is preferable to one that includes meat. (if you really want to be healthy and follow a healthy diet, just concume veggies and get rid of meat).
-This is an adverbial phrase that modifies practiced.
-The phrase answers the question of "how" did she practice.
*An adverbial phrase is a group of words that functions as an adverb.
"He sings in a low register."
When used to modify a verb, an adverb (including an adverbial phrase and an adverbial clause) will usually describe when, where, how, or why something happens.