I think it's B because it talks about punishment
<span>Legislative Branch - The Legislative Branch, makes laws, imposes taxes, and declares war. It has two parts, the House of Representatives and Senate. The House has 435 Voting Members and 5 non voting members from the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. A representative must be 25 years old.
Judicial Branch - The constitution calls for a Supreme Court. In 1789 congress passed a judiciary act,which added district courts to the federal court system. The Supreme Court is composed of nine justices. The constitution does not describe duties if the justices. The main duty of the justices are to hear plans and make a decision on cases that are brought to their attention. The principle known as judicial review has become old major branch in the Supreme Court.
Executive Branch - The Executive branch carries out the laws passed by congress. It includes the President, Vice President, and other various offices.
Republicanism - Republicanism is a system where the people hold popular sovereignty. The republican ideology values independant people who support themselves and liberty for all. That basically means that they believe that the government should be less involved in the lives of Americans. These ideas and values try to limit greed and corruption. Republicanism was first developed by the founding fathers. They proposed that the citizens of the Unites States of America and the government work hand and hand</span>
Mobilization:the act of gearing up for war
Answer: El decreto unió las raíces judeo-cristianas del continente europeo con la cultura greco-romana. Hasta el Concilio de Nicea, en el año 325, las iglesias cristianas eran incendiadas, quienes profesan la religión cristiana eran perseguidos y su patrimonio era confiscado. Particularmente bajo el emperador Diocleciano se intensificó la persecución cristiana. Diocleciano quería revivir los viejos cultos paganos y que éstos se convirtieran en la religión del imperio. Pero su política anticristiana fracasó y fue eliminada por su sucesor, el emperador Constantino. El aparato militar y el administrativo funcionaban bien en el Imperio Romano. Una zona de libre comercio había impulsado el bienestar económico. Los habitantes de Roma gozaban de derechos civiles, lo que promovía una creciente cohesión entre la población, sin embargo, no había libertad religiosa.