this is possession. theyre/their/there
Schools undergo formal learning and follow certain guidelines, standards, and rules necessary to implement goals and educational outputs. Nonconformity does not comply with this way. This becomes related to a school since students who are reported to not conform often have learning difficulties. It becomes a barrier to transmit the learning process to the learners who deals with these kinds of problem.
Mostly I spent my weekend by pursuing my passion for writing and painting, and spending my time with family at home.
Weekend is something which everyone look forward to. School kids would count days and gets excited on Friday as they will not have to go to school the next morning. For them, weekend means waking up late in the morning, playing, and enjoying.
But for me, I really look forward to weekend, after spending five days at work. I wake up early on weekend as well, to meditate and spend sometime to talk to God. Then I spend morning time helping my mother in household chores, helping her in preparing breakfast, and have conversation with my family while having breakfast. After all the work gets done, I would read books, and then write a blog about any concerned topic that would come to my mind. In evening I usually spend some time for my passion, which is painting. Then watch TV with family while having dinner.
<span>In another part of the wood, Oberon wonders if Titania has awoken from her slumber. ... Demetrius and Hermia enter and Oberon realizes that Puck put the love juice in the wrong Athenian man's eyes. Hermia is livid that Lysander abandoned her while she was sleeping.