Giving an inanimate object human actions. Such as “the wind howled” or “the trees swayed.”
It really depends on what the rules are. For example, if they are rules in your parent's house, then it's to teach you responsibility and what to do and what not to do. If it's for class rules, it would be partly to make the students feel safe as well as to show respect. But rules, in general, teach us responsibility and safety.
Use a comma to introduce a quotation, or to begin a list.
"Enrolling him in puppy class'' is a metaphor. A type of phrase that encourages a person to attain knowledge and wisdom
First, he learned to come when his name was called. After that, he learned to stay in one place, Before long, he was the best - behaved dog in our neighborhood. "Enrolling him in puppy class" is a metaphor. A type of phrase that encourages a person to attain knowledge and wisdom.
More than a phrase it was an action that was initiated to make the dog behave well and trained and listen to the words of the owner. A phrase used to make a change, the text adds the achievement of the puppy after proper guidance of the guide.