Americas and Oceania were similar in the way that first they both could developed experienced agricultural practices. Second, they could have their own distinct architecture, art and some other cultural characteristics with any influence from the outside. Third, some external groups sustained their nomadic hunter.-gathering lifestyle. And finally, both of them faced dangers of overpopulation and exposed of diseases they had never been exposed to. They both were different just because they developed large sophisticated societies in isolation merely.
well i mean there re many shortages in life and well we always get a shortage of things and i mean there is water is 70% that covers the planet nd only 3% of it is fresh so a lot of people lack water
um no that is not an example in my own life its just the world in some places
During his rule Caesar greatly improved Rome's economy Caesar was how master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator . He used his power to carry out much - needed reform, relieving debt , enlarging the senate , building the Forum lulium and revising the calendar .
D-Day forced the German army out of Belgium and ended the war. D. D-Day ended Germany's moral argument in the war by revealing the genocide the Nazis had perpetrated