Tiber River. The most important river in central Italy. It runs some 400 kilometers through a long valley running from Tuscany through Umbria, Latium, past Rome, to the Tyrannize Sea at Ostia (literally, the “mouths” of the river). The river had a positive as well as negative impact on the development of Rome.
The Mediterranean Sea was important to the Roman Empire in that it was a vital trade link with other parts of the Empire, especially the Middle East and North Africa. ... The Romans referred to it as "their sea" and would not allow competing empires to flourish on it, such as the Greeks and Egyptians.
Democratic progressiveness is what best fits the desceiption.
They helped move stuff around to trade and they needed little food and water to survive.
He has given more insight to eves feelings.
Milton deliberately lets us pry into her emotions and thoughts as she recounts her life experiences.in this way ,he gives us more insight into how adam was tricked by the devil.