There are more than 3, so I'm not sure if you're looking for any 3 in particular. Powder, capsules, tablets pellets, pills, lozenges. Those are a few.
Obama is a good leader, because he is trying to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. A wide gap between the rich and the poor is never good. We can look back into history to see this. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, the rich got out of their taxes, so the poor had to pay more, which widened the gap. The dynasty soon fell. While it may not be working completely yet, Obama is doing all he can to fix this problem.
Side note: This is a very democratic stance on American politics, however it is more of a democratic question, as Obama is a democrat.
Terrence Taft
The other two candidates have some sort of experience. Edgar was active in politics and Rebecca was a senator for 5 years
Answer: st agustin
oraginally named Aurelius Augustinus