I have no idea of the verbs you learnt, but from the two examples you wrote, I can see your examples are based on the verb "estar". Although, the verbs estar and ser are alike, the examples you cited are premised on estar. Thus, my examples will be based on the verb.
Mi cumpleaños es el próxima semana -
My birthday is next week
La escuela esta cerrado ahora -
The school is closed now
Mi música favorita es "Despacito" -
My favorite music is "Despacito"
Mi teléfono es nuevo pero es pequeño, y entonces, no me gusta -
My phone is new but it's small and so, I don't like it.
Mi hermana mayor es baja -
My elder sister is short.
I hope that works for you
don't worry you got them both right :)
Hi Martina are you going to class ? Hi Pablo, yes i am going to the physical education class and the social studies and i need the book, i am also going to geometry class.
hope i helped
El romanticismo. El Romanticismo es un movimiento cultural y político originado en Alemania y en el Reino Unido (Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del norte) a finales del siglo XVIII como una reacción revolucionaria contra el racionalismo de la Ilustración y el Clasicismo, confiriendo prioridad a los sentimientos.
Hace seis años que conocí a mi esposo.
It was six years ago that I met my husband.
The verb hacer can be used in various ways to talk about the passage of time. You can use hacer to describe how long ago something happened or how long you have been doing something. You can also use hacer to describe past actions that were interrupted by another action. Am example would be: <u>Hace</u> <u>seis años</u> <u>que</u> <u>conocí</u> a mi esposo which translates to It was six years ago that I met my husband.
The specific time is 6. Que is que. And the verb is conoci